10 August, 2017Partner of SPS Advogados, Sara Henriques, with certification for Data Protection Officer (DPO)The partner of SPS Advogados, Sara Henriques, got the certification for Data Protection Officer (DPO), from the European Institute of…
7 June, 2017SPS at ALFA 2017 European Regional MeetingSPS at ALFA 2017 European regional Meeting Manuel Gibrt Prates, founder partner at SPS Law Firm will represente the firm…
3 May, 2017“What are the biggest clients in banking and finance sector currently face?”Questionnaire of Iberian Lawyer Magazine with the participation of the partner Nédia da Fonseca Nunes: “SPS Sociedade de Advogados partner…
3 May, 2017“Banking sector innovation bringing extra regulatory responsibilities”Article from the partner Filipa Ruano Pinto at Iberian Lawyer Magazine Please consult the article HERE…
3 May, 2017“What are currently the biggest opportunities for law firms in banking and finance?”Questionnaire of Iberian Lawyer Magazine with the participation of the partner Edmundo Batalha Reis Please consult the questionnaire HERE Please…
15 March, 2017A SPS in In-Lex 2017 – Jornal de NegóciosPlease consult the information on the following link: http://www.in-lex.pt/anuario/sociedades-2017/?companyName=SPS&resultspagenumber=1&detailpa…
4 November, 2016Lisbon Web Summit 2016!Lisbon is the chosen city by Paddy Cosgrave to host the world’s biggest event of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, and…