SPS Law Firm adopted a contingency plan aiming to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission, while ensuring swift and efficient of the services provided as well as the office’s overall functioning.
We strictly follow the Portuguese Health Authority recommendations, including the following measures:
– Full information provided to SPS team, about CoVid-19, how it spreads and prevention care;
– Private travels abroad are restricted and subject to prior approval;
– Meetings shall be performed remotely, through videocall or Teams system;
– If isolation is required, the SPS lawyer/worker will be working from its own house. The SPS Law Firm is technologically prepared to provide the same working conditions, when remotely or out of the firm, including confidentiality and data security, ensuring that professional services will not be affected;
– Work displacements will happen only if indispensable, following all the prevention care measures.
SPS Law Firm is organized to meet the conditions required in a pandemic situation, and committed that these will not reach the work provided. We look forward to continuing working with our customers, suppliers and players, and we are certain that together we will go through this situation without harm.
We are grateful for your comprehension.