“The Lost Art of Damages”

A SPS Advogados convida, através da ALFA International Global Network, a assistir ao Webinar “The Lost Art of Damages” organizado pelo grupo “Labor & Employment”, no próximo dia 16 de Setembro.

A SPS Advogados é membro exclusivo em Portugal da ALFA International Global Network, uma rede internacional de sociedades de advogados com representação em todo o mundo, com mais de 150 escritorios de advogados membros, presentes em mais de 60 países.

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Sobre este Webinar:
“Picasso painted portraits in a realist style where paintings of family members were almost like photographs. However, later in his career his portraits were painted in an abstract style and images of individuals were unrecognizable. Likewise with employment and professional liability claims, we start with the principle that damages are to restore the claimant back to where they were before the harassment, discrimination etc. occurred. Unfortunately, plaintiffs’ attorneys blackboard recoverable damages that are unrecognizable and often do not reflect reality. This session will focus on the reality of what damages can be recovered and why it matters. Too often the focus on liability leaves the analysis of damages as an afterthought. But understanding the abstract art of damages can be critical to mediation, setting budgets, reserves and how the litigation will be managed.”