A SPS Advogados convida, através da ALFA International Global Network, a assistir ao Webinar “Walking the Line Without Crossing It: How to Have Respectful Conversations in the Workplace”, hoje 4 de Maio, às 12h Central Time (CT) – 18h em Portugal.
A SPS Advogados é membro exclusivo em Portugal da ALFA International Global Network, uma rede internacional de sociedades de advogados com representação em todo o mundo, com mais de 150 escritórios de advogados membros, presentes em mais de 60 países.
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Sobre este Webinar:
“This webinar is an encore presentation of a session from ALFA International’s International Client Seminar (ICS) this past March. During this session, the panel discusses how conversations in the workplace (and outside of the workplace) have become more difficult and contentious as people discuss racial, sexual and political issues, and react with hostility and sometimes violence to the opinions of others. This panel will explore the underlying cause of the visceral reactions we sometimes have to the comments of others and address how to have a greater understanding of varying perspectives among those in the workplace and how to engage in respectful dialogues. There will be a live Q&A with the panel after the recording to answer any questions attendees may have.”